ALBUM REVIEW: Ofnus - Valediction

Memories of Ofnus’s blistering live performance at 2024’s Darkness over Cumbria surge through my mind as I press play on this second full-length release. If I recall correctly, in that live review, I used the word stunning. This adjective may rear its descriptive head once more. The Welsh black metal five-piece does have an excellent track record. Their last album, Time Held Me Grey and Dying was introduced to me on one of our podcast recordings by Hutch. The album was discussed at this time, and I have been a fan ever since. This latest atmospheric black metal release begins in a powerful blast beat manner, leaving the listener in no doubt where this band plants its roots. Blast beats are not the only weapon in the Ofnus arsenal though; song writing is a major plus for this band. The tracks have the correct amount of black metal atmosphere to remove the listener from their mundane surroundings and transport them to a horrific, haunted wooded area or blood-soaked pag...