Sunday, March 24, 2024

Coffin Storm Arcana Rising album review. Neil Bolton

Review Neil Thrashtash Bolton.

None of the members of “Coffin Storm” are strangers to the metal music scene. The band consists of Apollyon (Aura Noir/Lamented Souls) and Bestial Tormentor (Infernö/Lamented souls) capped off with Darkthone’s Fenriz taking the vocal spot. 

Apollyon and Besial Tormentor had been working on material for a while before this work received Fenriz’s stamp of approval. This stamp of approval was followed by the request to Fenriz to join his friends on this journey. 

The answer was yes and practice sessions began for “Coffin Storm”.

The first track you may have already encountered. The accompanying video for this track has been doing the rounds and is a very good example of what you will experience here. 

Instantly recognisable vocals shoot out over the doomy riff of the song. Please be aware this at no point turns into the Fenriz show nor is it a rehash of Darkthrone unused material.

Crunchy riffs smother this album while the drums take a powerful beat.  Sometimes blended with a splash of thrash, sometimes even the stoner repetitive riff graces the tunes. There is a definite homage to the heritage bands of the 80's resting here; this is an intentional move.

Fenriz’s vocal style will be well known to most readers but it goes into grounds I don’t think his voice has gone before, only occasionally, but its cool to hear. 

The tracks are all above the six minute line with “Open the Gallows” coming in at ten min twenty five. None of this time is wasted by messing around with atmospheric keyboard solos or spoken poetry; it's just metal, and it's refreshing to hear. 

After only a couple of listens this album can cement itself in the psyche of the listener, and your head quickly begins to bob to the correct beat at the correct time of the song. You begin to look forward to a certain bit because you know the riff is about to steal the show and life becomes good once more . 

This is a very enjoyable slice of metal from people who still live, breath, and play it. 

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