Saturday, March 30, 2024

Ten Ton Slug. Single “ Mindless and Blind” review Neil Bolton.

The opening riff on this single “ Mindless and Blind” is just everything I have been hoping and waiting for from this band.

I have been a fan of Ten Ton Slug for several years now, and for those several years us fans have enjoyed a couple of EP,s, along with the occasional killer live performance, but the anticipation revolving around a full album has been huge. There live performances have quite rightly been written about talked about for some time now. Usually involving the words “ Jesus he has got some voice on him” followed by “and lovely hair” the initiated will them simply reply to this statement with “Ough”!

The afore mentioned riff is a hall mark of this band, it’s so big and slimy it immediately causes the listener to pull their riff face, and celebrate.

Rónán’s vocal power is captured well in this recording, something that can me missed by some producers. The track is massive and sludgy, the groove imprinted in this tune is most enjoyable.  The huge riff is exploited to its maximum but never feeling over used. It’s just that good. Power, skill, monstrous music and groove laden vibes are abound here. 

“Mindless and Blind” is a mouth watering example of what I hope these Galway lads have achieved with their upcoming album “Colossal Oppressor”. The album art on its own is enough to create enthusiasm for what is to come. The album “Colossal Oppressor” is unleashed on 1st May. 

If that closing section of this song does not compel you to stomp around the house with the speakers maxed to eleven, well, there is no hope for you. 


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