Tuesday, April 16, 2024

ALBUM REVIEW: Dvne - Voidkind

I first became aware of the Edinburgh band Dvne with the release of their second album Etemen Ænka. They had me by the conclusion of the first track. It was not long before I dived into their earlier releases, and I was hooked. So, it is with a reasonable amount of glee I sit here with this review copy. Now a five-piece, Voidkind looks to build on the deserved success that the band have so far achieved. 
If you are familiar with their music, you will immediately recognise their style and sound. There is no sudden switch to metalcore or pop rock. The death metal growl menacingly tears into your soul while the beautiful clean vocals sooth any wounds caused by this pounding. All the tracks that Dvne craft contain a high level of skill and storytelling. The band state “if something is very heavy, that doesn’t mean it can’t be melodic as well”. A point they prove well, and often. Dvne has forged a reputation for blending the brutal with the delicate, and they have not strayed from that path on this release. 
Many of these songs have been created through jam sessions, and you will not be surprised to hear several tracks stray over the five-minute marker, although not all of them. Each track is allowed to breathe, if that is what is required, or shine in a quick burst as necessary. All of this is tinged with a progressive, post-metal feel. The songs never lose power, even in their calmer moments. Musically it is on point once again, guitar solos pepper the album, and crunchy powerful riffs provide foundations for the songs for the listener to bathe and revel in. The drums switch from beautifully smooth to crushingly devastating in the space of the same track. All attributes I love in a band dealing with the light and shade of music. Voidkind triumphs in the fact that it is an album that will not only please existing fans but should entice new fans to the fold as well.

Voidkind is released on Metal Blade Records on 19th April.

The band are on tour in the UK next week

23rd     NEWCASTLE – The Cluny
24th     LEEDS – Brudenell
25th     NORWICH – Voodoo Daddies
26th     BRIGHTON – Green Door Store
27th     BRISTOL – Exchange
28th     BIRMINGHAM – Devil‘s Dog

Review by Neil 'Thrashtash' Bolton


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