Tuesday, April 16, 2024

ALBUM REVIEW: Folterkammer - Weibermacht

Blending furious black metal with classical, opera, and baroque, the international collective known as Folterkammer (Torture Chamber) presents as one of the most unique and interesting releases of 2024. On first listen, it’s almost too wild a ride, but a deeper into the band’s history and composition explains much. This is group who contain Zachary Ezrin of black metal avant-garde metallers Imperial Triumphant, and vocalist Andromeda Anarchia, who has contributed guest vocals on their recent albums. Folterkammer first emerged around five years ago and released debut album Die Lederpredigt in 2020. The band currently comprises Anarchia, Ezrin on guitars, Darren Hanson on guitars, Laurent David on bass, and Brendan McGowan on drums. Anarchia, born in Switzerland and Parisian David split their time between Europe and Brooklyn, giving the band a truly international flavour. It’s evident from listening to Weibermacht that this isn’t an outfit that has come together for their first recording. All are seasoned musicians, with Anarchia’s Darkmatters project and David’s avant-garde jazz trio Kilter featuring Imperial Triumphant’s Kenny Grohowski. To say that Weibermacht is an assault on the senses is an understatement. The blistering black metal explodes in huge bursts of tremolo picking and blast beats, savage and aggressive, yet at times simple and ethereal. Anarchia’s snarling growls contrast with her impressive operatics, whilst there are elements of the eccentricity of Kate Bush et al in the compositions. 
At times it all seems familiar. And yet, despite the dips into nostalgic styles, the music is intensely creative and contemporary. Bursts of ferocious black metal are enhanced by Anarchia’s vocals, which provide added curiosity as they are sung in German. It’s massive, with sweeping and often chaotic compositions that both wash over the listener and crash into them with power and a deliberate style. It's perhaps best described as the antithesis of a rock cabaret, for although there is plenty of drama, atmosphere and musically an unworldly and unforgettable experience, the bludgeoning black metal delivery that underpins the vocals provides a challenging experience. 
At times, Anarchia is soaring in the high octaves, in others she is screaming like a banshee. It’s this combination of delivery that makes the whole approach so unique and interesting. Alongside the original compositions, which range from the blistering opening of Anno Domina to the penultimate ferocity of Das Peitschengedicht, the band finish with an astonishing explosive cover of the Velvet Underground’s Venus in Furs, which demonstrates the vocal gymnastics that Anarchia can perform. Innovative, eclectic, drawing in art forms from across the Globe, Weibermacht is an astonishing release. There is plenty to explore here, with these ingenious creative musicians drawing on everything they know to deliver an album that swings from crazy to compelling from start to finish. If there is one album you must hear in 2024, make it this one. 
Weibermacht is released by Century Media Records on 19th April
Review by Hutch 

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