Monday, April 15, 2024

ALBUM REVIEW: Tyr - Battle Ballads

Tyr - Battle Ballads
Tyr are not a band that I am familiar with so when I was given this to review I did not know what to expect. So when I saw the title I was expecting generic Viking metal. But that is not what came out of the speakers.
With a little research I discovered that Tyr a from the Faroe Islands and this is their ninth album. The opener Hammered starts with a very catchy riff a big synth style guitars (maybe a keytar in there as well) driving drums and the clear jovial vocals of Heri Joensen follow the rhythm of the song as it drives merrily along. This repeated throughout the album, sort of a less angry Amon Amoth.
Unwandered Ways starts with a  well used jolly folk hook and bounces along nicely, and the scene is set this theme is used throughout the album, Row and Hangman are my favourite tracks here, the classic rock vocals and fast drums, almost symphonic guitarsare a joy. The Viking imagery and big sing along choruses will be fantastic in a live setting.

A few slower songs in their native tongue Torkils Døtur and  Causa Latronum Normannorum detract from the flow of the album for me but will probably be welcomed by fans.
The driving force of this album for me is the relentless drumming of Tadeuze Rieckmann, Which really shine through on Dragons never die and axes. 
As this is a corner on the metal scene I have rarely wandered into and have little reference point apart from Amon Amoth and Manowar. Despite this I have really enjoyed listening to Tyr the subject matter and ridiculous lyrics actually made me like it more. I think that there songs will definitely benefit from a live setting, and look forwards to maybe seeing them one year at bloodstock. So raise you drinking horns and chant at the altar of Tyr.

Battle Ballads is out now on Metal Blade Records
Review by John Caffrey

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