Sunday, April 7, 2024

EP Review: War Grave - War Grave

War Grave
My love for the extreme vocal, blast beats, and Satanic riff has in no way diminished my love for the more clean old school heavy metal style I grew up with. As with all styles, it must be done well though. Fortunately, War Grave do the latter well. 
Recorded at London’s Monolith Studios, producer Charlie Wilson Jnr. has managed to capture five metal tracks to pump the blood and shake your world. The clean powerful vocal talents of Roman Kantoch (ex-More) shine on this release. He is a singer forged from vocalists of former times. Perfectly sitting with the musical styles of guitarists Trent Powell and Stuart Layne (ex-Virus), while the talents of the foundation laying Steve Brill on drums and bass player Charlie Gossett hold everything together.
The opening track War Graves has the style and swagger of denim-clad metal with more than a hint of old-school thrash at its heart. Fast and precise Brill’s drumming is commanding. A sudden time shift shows the musical skill and song writing expertise, that these guys clearly have, to not make this shift jarring. Guitar solos reign, supported by riffs all the way. This initial track lets the listener know what is to come. 
War Grave
More traditional metal flows through the speakers with the second number Enchained once more with head-bobbing riffs and clean vocals in a cleaner guitar tone. The band are joined by Tim “Ripper” Owens on a tale of magic, manipulation, and a soul in peril, for the single Witch. Tim’s vocal approach obviously fits this style perfectly with a massive “Yeeeeeaaaa” his voice never fails to impress. Both create a perfect blend. More metal riffing carries this release through Revenge once more displaying clever time changes that just feel right. A dual guitar tone (one I love) opens the door to the final track Price to Pay. Again, the metal style and groove gets the head moving up and down and the fingers on your hand forming the devil’s horns to be raised high at a live performance. Something I am looking forward to experiencing at the Moshing the Roof On festival in Derby on the 13th of April.
War Grave is released on 26th April 2024. 
Review by Thrashtash Bolton

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