Monday, May 20, 2024

SINGLE REVIEW: Painted as Monsters - The Signal of / Sevastapol

Painted as Monsters

South Wales trio Painted as Monsters have been steadily building and audience through the last few years. Building on the success of previous bands, PAM have gigged hard, made the latter stages of the South Wales M2TM competitions, and generally mesmerised with the expansive and fluid style. Dripping in influences that surely include Muse, Tool, Godsticks, Rush, and shoegaze, their progressive signwriting makes it a cerebral joy to experience. Rhys Evans has a voice ideal for this melancholic, dreamy style, whilst his guitar work is super relaxed. On this EP Evans is backed by bassist Chris Machin who has now departed, and drummer Matt Jones. First up is the sprawling expanse of The Signal of …, and it’s a real technical piece that requires multiple plays to appreciate. Once you get stuck into it, it’s an addictive earworm that demonstrates the fluidity of the musicianship on display. One can’t help but admire the mid-section guitar work, and the power that this trio generate. Full of atmosphere, it’s a fine piece of work. 
Painted as Monsters
Second song is Sevastapol, and it opens with a sweeping passage that segues neatly from the previous track. Shimmering guitar work is again a highlight whilst the rolling flow of the track combined with Evans’ soaring vocals works well. The tempo eases mid-section, but there’s always the brooding vibe that suggests that something strong is going to happen, such is the tension that the band create. It’s not long in coming, with another intense passage that sucks you in. As it develops, you can hear the organic flow of the band’s writing, and despite the inevitable Muse comparisons, there’s enough here to ensure attention is maintained throughout. With a new bassist on the way, the future is looking good for Painted as Monsters. We wish them well, for they have much to bring to the alternative scene.
The Signal of ... / Sevastapol is released on 31st May
Find out more about the band at Painted as Monsters
Review by Hutch

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