Sunday, July 21, 2024

EP REVIEW: Chemical Storm - Digital Dementia

When you have the raw ingredients, you always stand a chance. When it comes to thrash metal, you need a few fundamentals. Chemical Storm from Kent, have these thrash fundamentals in abundance. They have positioned themselves in the thrash market, ready to take strides forward.

Chemical Storm - Digital Dementia

Digital Dementia
is not the final product. We're gonna have to be patient. The opening track God Forbid is testament to this as it's got lots of groove and plenty of ideas crammed in to one song. If a superstar producer grabbed the raw materials that were in God Forbid, I think they would be rubbing their hands with glee. Call and answer choruses with double bass drumming and fine solos. This has been done before in thrash metal, but they are in the game. 

Track 2, Shallow Hole doesn't slow down at all, in fact, if anything, it picks it up. Again, brimming to the top with ideas. The song slows down for the solo, but other than that this is a double bass call and answer thrash metal song. Things change up with a slightly slower, mid pace song in the form of Blunt Force Drama. It is a lengthy affair at just under seven minutes. They use the time well but with new thrash bands how many people are going to give seven minutes of their listening time? 

Chemical Storm

The title track is saved for the end. Back to fast beats but with the addition of a dual vocal and a slower mid-section to break the song up. In days gone by this would have been a very worthy demo. Nowadays we get to hear the development stage by stage and that can have pluses and disadvantages. The next release is crucial. Where and how do they progress from here? I truly believe there are better songs within them. What we see on Digital Dementia is enough to keep our eye on this band. But the next offering must be more progressive.

Good luck to Chemical Storm, it's a good EP. It's well worth a listen. It will never be considered a classic but there is a belief that they could March this forward.

Digital Dementia is released on 23rd July. Contact Neil at UK Thrashers for more details and information. 
Review by Carl Black

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