Thursday, July 25, 2024

FESTIVAL REVIEW: Darkness over Cumbria - July 19th 2024


Darkness over Cumbria is a black metal festival held in Fell Foot Wood near Lake Windermere in the Lake District. Its location is perfect for many types of events and festivals but it’s woodland charm perfectly suits the atmosphere recalled with black metal music. 

Oh, and it’s bloody marvellous. 

Held over two days, the first begins with the plastic souvenir beaker filled with exotic cider, just in time for the first band to take to the stage. 


Derby’s Ghül rip into their black metal and it’s obvious with the Witch King of Angmar's crown precariously balanced on the singer/guitar player’s head that this band play music themed around Tolkien’s tales. With early sound issues resolved, dry ice bellows around the stage adding to the musical atmosphere. Their music is pleasingly dark, and a couple of the riffs stand out as exceptional. I am not sure what I am hearing vocally, and I can’t tell if the growls are pre-recorded or not, but a good impression is left by my first experience of Ghül. 

Next, it’s time for some Darkthrone worship with Nefarious Dusk. A last-minute addition as unfortunately Adder have had to pull out of this year’s festival. Nefarious are a welcome sight. This band contains a couple of legends involved in the organisation of this festival and the loyal crowd knows this. They play and look black metal, complete with the traditional corpse paint. There is an air of danger around this band that adds to the spectacle. 

Obviously, it also helps they are very good at their craft. The guys also experience some sound issues, but the set concludes with a couple Darkthrone classics in Under a Funeral Moon and Transylvanian Hunger. A fitting end to a brilliant set. 

Cairns are up next, and I have been looking forward to this as I am a fan of their Keening EP. Their style of atmospheric black metal manages to cover the darker and lighter shades of this genre well. The four piece valiantly rip through a set plagued with sound and power issues, with the vocalist trying to contain his frustration. He pours his frustration and anger into his vocal delivery. The lighter atmospheric post black sections are still raw and compelling.

A new track fits in well with their original catalogue, showing promise for the future. This set, although troubled with technical issues will be remembered for the quality on display. 

Völniir are up next and waste no time in laying waste to Darkness Over Cumbria. Their fast blast beat smothered style immediately causes hair to fly and heads to bang. The commanding vocalist Tubal-Qayin controls the stage and the crowd, his eyes hardly ever let up their unearthly stare. 

All this is going on while the drummer fires out blast beats with a huge grin on his face. A grin that is far too warm to witness for a black metal band. It’s not long before the pit forms and bodies begin to fly. Power issues once more attack the stage with Tubal-Qayin approaching the front of his stage to bellow at the crowd, “that’s no excuse” calling for the audience to scream. We do. Power is restored and Satan is worshipped once more. Another powerful set has been laid down in Fell Foot Woods. Three cloaked and hooded figures and a headphone wearing drummer stare eerily and silently at a waiting crowd, Scotland’s Fauth know how to make an impression. Their music, performed in this arena, surrounded by nature, has a big effect. They manage to create a compelling atmosphere. While the singer delivers his haunting screams, he manages to peer into the soul of every member of the crowd.

This band have a hypnotic pulling power that manages to draw people from the rear right to the front of the stage. The music is fast and ripping, then slow and calm, but always evil. Frankly the combination of alcohol, our wooded surroundings and the atmospheric music has made Fuath an incredible Friday headliner.

Day Two coming soon - Review by Neil 'Thrashtash' Bolton

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