Wednesday, August 21, 2024

EP REVIEW: Morgue Terror - Violent and Murderous Thoughts

Morgue Terror

Buffalo, New York Death Metal bruisers Morgue Terror, offer up their second EP, Violent and Murderous Thoughts, the first to feature an actual drummer, and continue their horror themed music from January’s self-titled debut. 

This EP offers us five songs, four based on sadistic serial killers, and one on a debauched abusive sect. The EP feels like they have listened to all the great nineties Death Metal acts and cherry picked some of the best bits to imitate. 

Morgue Terror

The riffs of Dave Jurenovich are chunky, sometimes angular and brutal, often discordant and almost sound out of tune. The bass of Steve Lipka is pounding and really helps propel the songs along, the drums of Dustin Klimek (ex-Full of Hate) change tempo often, sometimes thrashy, other times almost hitting Grindcore speeds, and everything in-between. The vocals of Steve Lipka are impenetrable and very guttural, like early Obituary or Cannibal Corpse, but this doesn’t detract. 

Check out single Neanderthal if unsure if this is for you. It features the guest vocals of Entheos vocalist Chaney Crabb, not easily differentiated from Lipkas’s own style, but certainly enough to give you a taster. If you like Old School Death Metal, give this a try. I did and I liked it!

Violent and Murderous Thoughts is self-released on 23rd August. 
Review by Andrew Matthews

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