Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Mork - Syv

Mork are a band that surprise with every release whilst managing to always sound familiar and that continues with their seventh album Syv which marks the band’s 20th year of existence. The band originally were very much in the style of the Norwegian second wave of black metal, taking particular influence from Darkthrone, but they have forged their own path across seven albums and four E.P.’s with a sound that still pays homage to the grim and frostbitten Norwegian black metal sound whilst incorporating other influences. 


Whilst a band can progress to the point where they become unrecognisable from their original sound, Mork have managed to find the perfect balance where they can introduce new elements whilst still sounding unmistakably like Mork. Syv is true Norwegian black metal at its cold rotten heart, but there is a greater use of melody, a far more progressive breadth and scale to their song writing and a far more doom-laden and melancholic atmosphere,  whilst still managing to sound grim and gnarly. Most bands would struggle to juggle all these elements with an album lacking balance and focus but Mork are masters of their blackened craft and pull off this balancing of different elements with aplomb. Take songs such as Holmgang which has an almost Viking metal melody wrapping itself around those tremolo riffs, the progressive twists and turns of Utbrent and the black ‘n’ roll of Tidens Tann

You also get pure black metal ragers such as Ondt Blot but on the other end of the scale you also get an acoustic song Omme which closes the album and it’s a gorgeously mournful and melancholic piece of music that, although light sounding and entirely devoid of harsh vocals, remains full of darkness. Whilst Mork have always brought something a bit different to the plate with each album, Syv is definitely the most broad, progressive and varied album to date. It is also one of the best that Mork have done. 


Whilst this statement may worry some black metal fans, Syv may be more progressive and experimental but it hasn’t forgotten that it is a black metal album and the new elements to the Mork sound that are brought in are weaved seamlessly around the band’s unique black metal sound. It is a remarkable piece of work and one that demands a few listens to really appreciate. Mork once again show themselves to be one of the essential current bands in the Norwegian black metal scene. A stunning mix of melancholy and fury.

Syv is released on 20th September via Peaceville Records
Review by Richard Oliver
Band photos from Official Website

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